09 622 3560 legacy@legacyconstruction.co.nz Tenderlink

Health & Safety

Health and safety is paramount to Legacy and always at the forefront of our minds.

Legacy are Site Safe registered 700225, achieved Site Safe - Site Wise Gold status, attained Impac Prequalification (Commercial Construction) - Category 4 and Tōtika Listed Supplier.

We are committed to the health and safety of our staff and everyone who comes into contact with our construction environment. All sites have management that are Site Safe Gold Card and First Aid certified, all trade and supporting staff are Site Safe trained as a minimum and inducted into Legacy Construction's Health and Safety Policy.

ISO 45001:2018 – Occupational Health & Safety Management System

Legacy is proud to have achieved the requirements and certification for the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational H&S management system. Operating in accordance with this system means that Legacy is working to a proven H&S framework that is universally used and recognised around the world. Surveillance audits are carried out annually to ensure that our systems and procedures are adhering to the required framework and that they are of a high international standard.

Site Safe
Site Wise
  • Legacy have routinely proven themselves to deliver on time and to a high quality and are a pleasure to work with. We would have no hesitation in recommending their services to others.

    David Cosgrove - Divisional Development Manager NZ AMP Capital

  • The successful build was the combination of a great and reliable team, including the Architect, Legacy project managers/construction team and sub-contractors. As the client we found all those working on the build were approachable, friendly and prepared to go to great lengths to ensure we the client , were kept informed and our never ending changes met. Hyundai NZ has no hesitation in recommending Legacy as a major partner in the construction industry.

    Howard Spencer - Managing Director Hyundai Motors New Zealand Limited

  • Many contractors claim to understand the standards required for skilled repairs to important heritage buildings, yet few can deliver the standard required. Buildings with fundamental weather tightness failures are a challenge for the most experienced contractors, due to the demands of the current Building Code, and the requirement for a consistently high standard of work. With respect to the above projects, Legacy Construction have demonstrated their capabilities in both of these difficult areas of work.

    Phillip Hartley - MA MRICS Chartered Building Surveyor
